Promoting effective mental healthcare through peer supervision.
2021 - 2024
Goa and Bhopal, India
Dr. Daisy Singla, Prof. Abhijit Nadkarni, Dr. Ravindra Agrawal, and Dr.Anant Bhan
PEERS aims to test a peer-supervision mobile application and understand the impact of this on the quality of therapy delivered by non-specialist community healthcare workers, and finally impact of improved therapy quality on patient outcomes.Â
Supervision is particularly relevant for treatments delivered by non-specialist workers. However, the reliance on mental health specialists to supervise them in person is not scalable because specialists are not readily available and existing in-person methods are expensive, time-intensive, and lack generalizable metrics. This project generates new knowledge on digital peer supervision of NSP to deliver evidence-based psychological care to people with depression.
Progress so far
Trained 90+ Healthy Activity Program (HAP)* counsellors to use the PEERS application, which captures patient data and session audio recordings that can be rated later by specialists.Â
Sinai Health Center, Calgary, Canada
Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
Dimagi, USA