iHEAR RainbowMed
Empowering educators in Western India with LGBTQIA+ inclusive healthcare.
2023 - 2024
Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Goa, India
Dr. Anant Bhan
iHEAR RainbowMed is aimed at providing comprehensive training to medical educators in the western region of India on LGBTQIA+ affirmative healthcare through a series of consultations and sensitisation workshops. This project aims to achieve the objective of LGBTQIA+ inclusive and affirmative healthcare in India and combat the health inequities faced by individuals from LGBTQIA+ communities.
Sangath's previous project TransCare MedEd developed competencies for trans-affirmative healthcare provision through regional workshops consisting of multidisciplinary stakeholders.
Community members who participated in the workshops in TransCare MedEd highlighted the need for the development and implementation of LGBTQIA+ affirmative competencies and to train medical college faculty who are sensitized to LGBTQIA+ issues to implement and teach these competencies.
Progress till date
We conducted a workshop with medical educators from Gandhi Medical College in Bhopal in February 2024 and sensitized them towards the unique needs of LGBTQIA+ community members. We also shared the competencies created and received feedback on the same.
Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, India
University College of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
The University of Chicago, Illinois, USA